Monday, January 31, 2011

Montesa Cota 242

Recently I saw that Larry Holbert had his Cota 200 for sale on Craigslist. It was hard to beleive knowing how much he likes his white tanked Montesa and how well he rides it. I procratenated for a few weeks and finally gave him a call fully expecting the bike to be gone. Well much to my surprise, he still had the 200 and when I voiced concerns about a guy my size on a 200 he told me he would also be willing to sell his 242. Within a week or so I was at Larry's checking out his bikes.

The first thing I noticed about both bikes was how tight they felt. They had great brakes and no crazy, miscelaneous rattles. Well after riding both bikes, I couldn't decide which I liked better. The 242 had a great engine but the 200 turned and handled much like a modern bike. In the end I went with the 242 for fear of stalling the 200 on hills. Like Larry said, you can be good on either if you ride them enough. I'll take that advice!!!

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